Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Personal Eassay

1. What was one idea that the writer gave in the Wide Range of Topics section that you can use as you start deciding on a topic?

 Make sure your writing about something you strongly care about.

2. What was one idea the writer gave in the Opinions Pieces section that you should remember as you are writing your piece?

 Include details toward the topic and be specific on what it it means to the writer.

3. List three suggestions the writer makes in the Personal Essays and Crafts section that you will use as you write.

Make connections with bringing the subject closer and have for detail. Take ideas and have reaction to certain things discussed. The reader should get a idea of why the writer feels a certain way.

It’s unfair that in many countries today they allow boys to get an education and girls not to get an opportunity to learn. One country right now that’s going through this is Pakistan.  It is in the top ten for females not getting the right that they deserve.

I think that most people today don’t realize how important an education is and aren’t grateful for the education they are getting.  Kids my age often complain about how hard school is or it’s so stupid on some subjects or how they are taught. Even though schoolwork gets harder and harder. Moving up to the next grade level teaching and preparing us for getting a job and preparing for our future.

If I had not been adopted and was still in the orphanage in China in my home town, odds are that I would not have been able to go to school past elementary.  I would either be working in the orphanage or a factory. The part in China where I was born is very rural and poor and culturally males may be valued more than girls so get to keep going to school when girls don’t.

There is a fund right now that’s based upon Malala Yousafzai who was born in Pakistan. She took a stand for what she believed in toward noticing that education is being limited for her and much less all female children as well.  Because of using her voice, word got out that a 15 year girl wasn’t afraid of what she believed in. She was shot by the Taliban because she was going to school

There are many countries where girls have limited chances for an education or only an elementary level education.  In Somalia, 95% of girls age 7-16 have never been to school.  Other countries who have the highest rate for girls not going to school include Niger, Liberia, Mali, Burkina, Faso, Guinea, Pakistan, Yemen, Benin and Cote d’Ivoire and Nigeria.  They all have over 50% or more where the girls 7-16 don’t go to school.

Many reasons why girls have been not able to go to school is based upon the fact of not having enough money, violence at school, child marriage and the fact that their role in the household is either help with preparing food or taking care of siblings.

Parents may not want girls to go to school because they may be protecting girls from the violence at school or on the way to school.  Parents may not be able to afford to send their children to go to school and if they can only afford one they send the boy. The Taliban and groups like Boko Haram do not believe girls should receive an education.

“According to the World Bank, the return on one year of secondary education for a girl correlates with a high 25% wages later in life.” (  An education for girls helps their future generations and helps take them out of poverty.  Evidence shows that women invest their money back into their family and communities.

Being able to get a higher education means there are less likely to get married, as a child bride.  This means they won’t have as many children over their lifetime so this controls the population.  It also means they aren’t as likely to die in childbirth which happens more to child brides

I feel lucky to be receiving a good education and wish that girls all around the world had this opportunity.

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