Sunday, February 19, 2017

Intro to Newspaper Design

My favorite newspaper front page is "The New York Times".  One reason why I liked this page is because of the buildings and the fact that they are different sizes and the fact that if the reader looks close enough it has this one point perspective.

My favorite headline from the newspaper is "For $200,000, a Chance To Whisper in Trump's Ear"  One reason why I like this is even though he is not my favorite its good to get a since of how he's running America.

There are five stories on  the page.

They all have a bold newspaper name and a date and one story that's above the fold.

They all look the same with the photo above the fold

Lone Star Dispatch 

I like the fact that the school had some feedback and opinions from the students and also that it wasn't all based on school events or the school instead its based on the community.

What stood out to me in the paper was the back with the Women's rights march and the pictures they used like the couple who are gay and are holding up a sign that says "we will not be silenced". Also i really liked the graphics of Black History Month they were really striking.

I thought four of the story's were interesting to me.

The paper could be improved by maybe more interviews and photos of people being interviewed because that's a way of students getting to know one another.

It does follow the rules and guidelines of the paper.

Maybe the newspaper could talk about the fine arts or the clubs.

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