Monday, February 27, 2017

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Lone Star Dispatch issue #4

Science fair rules on campus page A3

Who: Students at Bowie high school

What: Science fair

Where: At Bowie High School

When: Happened January 12, 2017 after school

Why: Its an annual event that students do experiments  and present therm to their peers

How: The Students work for month's and and presented their projects where awards were given out.

Who was quoted: Mathew Musat,Alex Paulson,Emily Moralas and parent Trace Hurd

Strongest quote : " its a little bit stressful having to present in front of people that you may or may not know" Mathew Musat

Lead sentence: It did make me want to keep reading more based on its interesting to see what other students come up with.

  Peaceful protesters hope to solve long-lasting problems A7

Who: Citizens ranging from mothers to daughters to men ,lesbians,gay of all ages

What: It wasn't all just based on women's equal rights there were protesters  about Donald Trump,

Where: Downtown Austin on Congress Street at state capitol

When :January 21, 2017

Why: It was open to the public and to let their voice be heard without anyone judging them or trying to make them be quiet.

How: Women and others gather together and marched their way to get there voice heard.

Who was quoted: Bella Lufschanowski,Melissa Fiero, jake Anderson,Katie Holmes,Ellie Coulston,Grace Widner

Strongest quote: " I think it sent the message loud and clear, and we will not allow our rights to be diminished " Melissa Fiero

Lead sentence: I absolutely wanted to keep reading since believe in that women should get equal rights and the fact that we should get equal pay . And maybe the fact that I'm not in favor of Donald Trump.

Living Like Lys provides creative outlet for blogger B6

Who: Alyssa Poole

What: Alyssa Poole just recently started a blog giving students tips and tricks to school and tutorials

Where: (it doesn't say)

When : The blog began four months ago

Why: Its to give anyone who wants to know how to do makeup or any other tutorials or just get advice.

How:By using a computer or any electronic device

Who was quoted: Alyssa Poole,Maddi Lynch,Catarina Chavanne,

Strongest quote: "Think beyond school and start looking into the future"

Lead sentence : Yes it did make me want to keep reading especially when its from a student who goes to Bowie and wants to state their opinion and let their voice be heard.


Photo on A3: Science Fair Rules on Campus
This photo follows rule of thirds and balance.  It is too dark and could have been lighter and depth of field is pretty minimal depth of field.  The main subject of the photo is a science fair judge.

Photo on B2: Running off the Beaten path
This photo follows the fule of leading lines and balance.  It is too dark with the weights blending into part of background.  Pretty minimal depth of field because you can see lots of busy detail.  The main subject of the photo is senior Dawson Warnke.

Photo on B6: Keep Austin Weird with Pets
This photo  follows rule of thirds and simplicity.  The exposure is good and you can see every detail.  The depth is field is high with minimal background which focuses on the main subject.  The main subject of the photo is Justin Whited holding his sugar glider.

Photo on B8: Women's right are human rights
The Girls just Want to have Fun photo follows the balance rule. The exposure is fine on the main subject, but the background is a little distracting.  The sign looks a bit fuzzy.  The depth of field is blurred which focuses on the main subject.  The main subject of the photo is unknown other than she is an "empowered feminist" at the march.

Photo on A8: Day in a Life: Student Gymnast
Photo is on the beam.  The photo follows the leading lines rule and has a bit of a problem with merging lines cutting someone off on right-hand side so could have been cropped better.  The depth of field allows you to see all the background equipment/detail. The subject of the photo is Kate Stubbs, a sophomore.

My favorite photo is on page A8 and is "Warm 'n up.  I like it because the shutter speed because it caught the subject in the air but her movement was making her hair fly.  It follows rule of thirds and leading lines.

My least favorite photo is Love is Love on page B8 because it cuts part of her pink hat and the sign so you can't read it at all.   The background is distracting.  

If I were photographing one of these articles, it would have been the Women's March.  I was there and took a lot of photos plus it was a unique experience.  I also think I could have created more mood and depth with my photos.

I would rate the photography in this issue a 6.  Quite a bit of it is too dark and some of the cropping is not great.  An example of that is 'Break Time" on page A8 where the gymnast on the right has 2 arms out and it looks partly amputated because it's just floating in the photo and page A2 the Nanodrop photo would have been better as a vertical or portrait shot to get more of her and her hands.I also would have liked the yoyo photos in color.  The Native American photo could have used a reflector to lighten the face of the subject.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Intro to Newspaper Design

My favorite newspaper front page is "The New York Times".  One reason why I liked this page is because of the buildings and the fact that they are different sizes and the fact that if the reader looks close enough it has this one point perspective.

My favorite headline from the newspaper is "For $200,000, a Chance To Whisper in Trump's Ear"  One reason why I like this is even though he is not my favorite its good to get a since of how he's running America.

There are five stories on  the page.

They all have a bold newspaper name and a date and one story that's above the fold.

They all look the same with the photo above the fold

Lone Star Dispatch 

I like the fact that the school had some feedback and opinions from the students and also that it wasn't all based on school events or the school instead its based on the community.

What stood out to me in the paper was the back with the Women's rights march and the pictures they used like the couple who are gay and are holding up a sign that says "we will not be silenced". Also i really liked the graphics of Black History Month they were really striking.

I thought four of the story's were interesting to me.

The paper could be improved by maybe more interviews and photos of people being interviewed because that's a way of students getting to know one another.

It does follow the rules and guidelines of the paper.

Maybe the newspaper could talk about the fine arts or the clubs.

Website Review

The intention for the website Fstoppers is to give the reader a feel for tips and tricks about creating a stronger picture that captures the moment. Most of the articles are talking about different topics coming from food, fashion, photography tips or tricks, drone, etc. There are groups that people can join and communicate with other peers about their photos or opinions toward making the photo stronger. An average viewer can get inspiration or ideas from pictures that people share or the person who posted the photo can get people’s ideas and maybe see if they want to try something different for when they run into something like it the future. I would bookmark this website since it’s a great way to explore the different photos people take and what it looks like from their point of view. I think I would recommend this to other people who love photography as much as I do. What’s unique about this article is that they have contests and also the fact that its social media like Instagram. The fact that it can appeal to others that are maybe not profusions is pretty cool. The articles also include clip on lenses like a olo clip that’s easy on the go to take a quick snap and is portable. Software for storage is helpful too. The website I would give it a five since it surprised me from many of the others that I have seen photography pointers and that it’s a freedom of speech. The photo that I liked from the article is the underwater picture one that’s from 1899 since its black and white and I like the depth it gives the photo around it.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Self Portrait vs the Selfie

    A Selfie is when a person or group of people takes a picture of themselves with one arm in front of them either using a smartphone or webcam and the camera is facing them where they can see what pose to do and see the background or they use a camera like a Nikon or cannon etc.. that's not facing them.

Self portrait is when someone sets up a tripod with a timer set and takes a picture while at the same time they have to make sure the camera is set up at the right angle . Also the individual has to run and get into position after turning the camera on.
 There is a difference between the two since Selfie is that they are usually more lose since its a way to be creative and come up with new ideas. And self portraits seem more formal and classy.

I prefer to use selfies since it's really easy to take a picture with a group or friend on short notice and by using a mobile device it's a faster way to take a photo and its transportable. And also I think self portrait is like pose while as selfie is more relaxed.

Honestly I think they both are important since not everyone has accessibility to doing a selfie and or portrait.  Also I think they both help get the job done with taking the  picture. 

Displaying IMG_6348.JPG

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Phobia Pictures

Ailurophia fear of Cats 

Dendrphobia fear of Trees 

Alliumphobia fear of the smell of Garlic